sábado, 11 de febrero de 2023

"THE SWORD IN THE STONE" songs by Face2Face theatre company

Hi, kids! We are pretty lucky! On Friday 17th, we go to the theatre. "Face2Face company" will perform the play "THE SWORD IN THE STONE". It is recommended that students be prepared before attending the show, as it will increase their motivation, understanding and enjoyment. That´s why we are going to work on this play next week with some activities designed by Face 2 Face and also with these videos I have created with the audio tracks of the story and the songs. I hope you enjoy them . The music on these videos is property of Face 2 Face theatre company. The share in this blog has no commercial, but educational purposes.


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Hi, kids! It´s the end of the school year and the end of your Primary School. I wish you the best in your new Secondary School. I´m sure you...